About Me

I am a second year Architecture student at the University of Edinburgh. This year we have enrolled in the module Architectural Design: Any Place. In this module we will look at the course of Mind to Building and from Building to City. This will consist of three projects:

  1. RESEARCH – students will be asked to respond to the intellect with particular attention to the contemporary use of around the debate of how a library should be in the 21st century.
  2. LIBRARY – students will be asked to design a centre that responds to the dynamic and environmental characteristics of their site, and to develop an architectural language that responds to the dynamic character of the building programme.
  3. SPACE – students will be asked to resolve the detailed design of a principle space, responding in particular to the environment character of the site, and satisfying environmental requirements of different uses within the library.

This semester provides a great opportunity to develop a design for a particular site in Rome and develop skills in investigation, research, design and response. It is a world renowned city with a fantastic history, especially in Architecture and is exciting to visit and experience first hand.

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